La Vita è Bella


Say "Goodbye and Thank you" to POPFile

POPFile is an awesome mail classifier works as a local POP3 proxy. It's written in Perl and use a web UI so it can run on any platform.

I started using it back from about 2004. First I use it to filter spams, later to filter work mail, personal mail and important mails apart. Time moves on, as I stop using POP3 on Gmail, the main job for POPFile became to picking not-so-important script generated reports from other work mails (combined with Thunderbird filter based on "X-Text-Classification" header).

As I also use Gmail for work mail now at Google, I have only a few POP3 accounts that rarely get some non-spam mails. So it's finally the time to say goodbye to POPFile. As a record, here's the final statistics for my POPFile history, since Jul. 2007, the last time I reset the stats:

Messages classified: 135,631,
Classification errors: 910,
Accuracy: 99.32%

That's very impressive result. Thank you POPFile for so many years of service. If you are still using POP3 account, you should try it right now!

BTW, I always hope Gmail can auto label my mails, just like POPFile. Finally we got priority inbox, but that's not enough for me.

22:54:43 by fishy - Permanent Link

May the Force be with you. RAmen