La Vita è Bella


Some (not so many) handy aliases

Under my Debian Linux, when I use screen, I always get some keymap/TERM setting problems, for example, the backspace key never work.

But if I set TERM to "vt100" before launch screen, it's OK, so this alias can resolve the problem:

alias screen='env TERM=vt100 screen'

For the poor network, I always need a multi-thread http downloader. Firefox has a extension DownThemAll!, but after I finish surfing websites (but didn't finish downloading yet), I used to press Command+Q to quit Firefox, and the download was interrupted. lftp has a built-in downloader: pget, so use pget is a good idea:

alias pget="lftp -c pget"

Put the codes into your bashrc file, and restart your terminal, it's done.

21:25:26 by fishy - Permanent Link

May the Force be with you. RAmen