Linux Note: Change console resolution
Just change the grub setting(the file "/boot/grub/menu.lst", or press "e" in grub menu), add "vga=xxx" to the end of the "kernel" line, which xxx is a number to define the resolution as the following table:
depth | 640*480 | 800*600 | 1024*768 | 1280*1024 |
8-bit | 769 | 771 | 773 | 775 |
15-bit | 784 | 787 | 790 | 793 |
16-bit | 785 | 788 | 791 | 794 |
24-bit | 786 | 789 | 792 | 795 |
I've picked 792 for 24-bit 1024*768, and see the wonderful cute console :) But maybe 24-bit is a waste for console, maybe I should pick 773 or 790.